Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Nothing Will Stop Me!

goals... I need to re-read this EVERY morning!

Well here I am at just over 10 weeks out and I have to say, I'm exhausted. Since the beginning of last week was officially 12 weeks out I started taking a fat burner under the direction of my trainer and last week my energy was great. Got through my workouts, strength is still increasing, feeling great. However the end of last week I found that I would get home from my second gym session in the evening and my body would be just utterly exhausted. The same goes for this week. I have had awesome workouts Monday and Tuesday and then come home and just CRASH! Yesterday morning, I woke up at 3:30 to go to the bathroom and found that I could not get back to sleep cuz I was so freaking hungry. Needless to say I was utterly exhausted last night and actually was asleep by 10, which is really good for me. However 4:15 rolled around this morning and I got up and at em like usual but holy crap am I worn out! I struggled through my workout this morning and I can tell my body is just worn out, but I pushed through it. Snuck in a 10 minute nap on my 30 min lunch break, which was nice but def not long enough. Back to the gym tonight though for more cardio. Next Thursday are my next progress pics and I'm really excited for them and measurements. I can tell my body is really starting to lean out. Definately have some more definition coming out in my shoulders and arms and my stomach is slowly getting leaner as well as the scale slowly but seemingly consistently going down.
Another thing I noticed with the fat burner is it is helping to manage my hunger. Before starting it, my appetite was seemingly out of control. Being on it, I find while I'm still hungry it's a lot more manageable.

On an exciting note, I have my shoes ordered and on the way and I found the suit I'm going to wear. Purchasing it from a competitor on one of my fitness groups. So I cannot wait to get the whole package! It's going to be so exciting to get the shoes and the suit! It's going to make is so much more real!

Crunch time is here! My diet has been spot on workouts like I said, have been great *besides todays intervals that wore me out, though I still gave it my all* My power exercises I've been continuing to go up in reps and weights in  most of them so that's pretty exciting! I'm really hoping my body keeps responding well, because I really don't want to give up any of my beloved carbs quite yet that I still am allowed. Right now my last meal with slow-digesting carbs is my 10:00 am meal, and oh how I love my sweet potatoes. So body, please please cooperate! I promise to try to get more sleep!

I know these next 10+ weeks are going to fly by! And even when it gets tough and mentally and physically I feel like I cannot keep going, I going to keep going! I know I have it in me and I cannot wait to set foot on that stage!!! 73 days baby!!!

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